One lucky recipient will be chosen each week. Award criteria is based on their level of stupidity displayed, their hope for intelligence, and their capability of rising above their stupidity. In other words...STUPID!!!!!
The first winner of our Stupid Monkey Award is..... ::drum roll, please:: ........
And the crowd goes wild!!!! ROAR!!!!!!!! APPLAUSE!!!!!! CHEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!
CVS has been displaying a repeated level of stupidity lately. They are definitely NOT the smartest pill in the bottle. And...I don't think there is any hope for them. Here's why...
Example #1
I have three prescriptions to fill. They are on automatic refill. I pick up my prescriptions...take them home...take them daily as directed. Repeat. A month later, I get the usual call from CVS that my prescription refills are ready to pick up. But wait! I still have three bottles full of pills?!?! What's up? I haven't missed any doses. Confusion sets in. I check the fill date – it was a month ago. ????? I count my pills. X.O.M.G!!! For two prescriptions, I have an extra THREE weeks in both bottles. In the third bottle... you ready for this? ... The bottle says ONE HUNDRED were in it. Mind you, I've been taking this for 30 days – there are 70 pills still in there!! WTH!!! Obviously, their pill count was off last month.
Example #2
This week I got a new prescription. CVS was confused by the doctor's instructions so they have to contact him the next day. FINALLY, CVS fills it. I pick it up...go home and read the directions. Cool. Easy. It's an ointment that has an applicator. Where's the applicator? In the bag? no. In the box? no. There's NO flipping applicator!!! I call the pharmacist. She doesn't believe me and asks me to bring everything back. Fine. I go back; get the applicator from the pharmacist; and, go back home. Cool. Let's try this again. WHAT?! The applicator does not fit. ::head desk:: CVS gets ANOTHER call. The pharmacist doesn't believe me again and asks me to bring it back AGAIN. This issue is still not resolved. I have been trying for FOUR days to get this medicine filled. Can't wait to see what she gives me this evening!! SURPRISE!
What is so reassuring is...This is a LEARNING facility. CVS is TRAINING future pharmacists. Now I understand how people get the wrong medications. attention to what you get from your pharmacy! They are NOT always right!!! Be careful out there.
Watch out for the STUPID MONKEYS of the world!!
Hmmm. We have CVS here in Bryan, but I use Walgreens. Why? Well mostly because I'm awesome like that:)
HA! Don't get me started about our Walgreens!! They're just as bad. :(
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